Bass Bunny Logo
The goal with this project was to take an animal and create a logo from it for a fictional company. With my love of rabbits and the Y2K aesthetic, I ended up going with this design. Bass Bunny is a fictional company that would sell speakers and headphones. The idea of using the bunny's ears and inverting their purpose, changing it from hearing to making sound. Taking inspiration from the Y2K aesthetic, bold lines and a stylish edge was used, with lots of round edges. Font choices fell into either one of two categories: those that fit the Y2K aesthetic, and those that fit the logo in general with thick line weight. Ultimately, Bauhaus was used, due to the weight of the lines matching those on the pictorial element, and having rounded elements in the S and N. Unfortunately, the few Y2K aesthetic fonts did not make the cut, but these types of choices have to be made with these types of projects.